Turning a stringing customer into a restringing customer creates recurring revenue and introduces the customer to the enjoyment of playing tennis with new strings
To send a restring reminder start by going to Navigate to Groups (Keywords) on the left menu bar
Then go to Actions >Add Group
Create a Restring Group using the word “Restring” as the keyword
To do this go to Group Type and choose “Coupon”
Add a welcome message that your customer will receive when they join the restring group
the hit Save.
After you create the Group, then navigate to Tools>Auto Responders
Click on Auto Responders
Under actions select Add Auto Responder
Create Autoresponder Form
Under Group select “Restring” group
Under Name enter “Notify to Restring”
Leave “Message Template” and “Select Mobile Splash Page” blank
Under “Responder Message” if you want to include the name and previous racquet and stringing information write:
%%Name%%, Here is the info on your last racquet restring (%%Custom1%%)
Stop by the shop for a restring, your game will appreciate it.
Under “Responder Message” if you DO NOT want to include the name, previous racquet and stringing information write:
It’s been a while since your last string job.
Stop by the shop for a restring, your game will appreciate it.
Next set “Days Send After Signup” to 90 or whatever frequency you want them to receive a reminder.
Press “save” and the customers that join “restring” will be sent a reminder in 90 days
Auto Responder is saved
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